What Our Students Are Saying

Raymond Dorschner

Tuba, Music Performance

The Tuba Studio is extremely dedicated and tightly-knit. Dr. Grewe is an amazing teacher who brings out the best in our music while being very kind and relatable. Studio classes are enjoyable as we have a great time playing together and improve as a whole.

Hannah Sternberg

Violin and Double Bass: Music Education

Orchestra is very fun, since you get to play with non music majors, as well as performance and other music major, at a high level with challenging music that pushes students just the right amount. I enjoy the fact that wind players are also in the orchestra, which really opens up all of the repertoire that we get to perform, and helps us learn about different instruments (for music education  majors). There are also a lot of opportunities to have leadership positions and work your way up to the front of the orchestra.

Jazz Band and Combos are a very great way to meet a lot of people who may share a similar interest. These ensembles are laid out for different levels of musicians, which are designed to guide players into increasing their skill and moving up. Also, these ensembles allow a lot of creative freedom and opportunities to compose and arrange music for different groups.

The Blugold Quartet is a high level group that gets to move through very challenging repertoire and build a vast series of skills. The communication skills that are built in this ensemble affects all aspects of being a musician. This is a fun group that allows four people to dive into challenging music and learn to play and communicate with each other.

Cassie Klinga

Musical Theatre with Dance Certificate

All of the theatre productions at Eau Claire really set you up for the real world, whether it be on stage or back stage. They really strive to push you and help challenge yourself as an actor/actress as well as expand your show knowledge.

Madeline Rydholm

Music Education, French Horn

I genuinely loved my time in the bands at UWEC. There is an incredible balance of mastery and support that creates an environment of true growth. As a transfer student, my first semester in Wind Symphony really solidified my sense of belonging in the music department. A particular memory that I cherish is going on tour that very semester- I got three full days of playing beautiful music and spending free time with my new classmates that I regarded as incredible musicians who also made me feel incredibly welcomed.

Olivia Nelson

Music Liberal Arts and Business Administration, clarinet

Something that I love about the ensembles here is that we have pieces with diversity both in style and composers. We even get to meet the composers and learn more about them and ask them questions about their career. The ensembles also tour near by schools in Minnesota and Wisconsin to play and inspire students to continue in music.

Angela Klinkner

Clarinet, Music Education

There are a great variety of ensembles to take part in at UW-Eau Claire. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Wind Symphony, Symphony Band, Blugold Marching Band, jazz band, various chamber ensembles, and choir. The faculty make the experiences valuable and foster a welcoming and encouraging environment for everyone to grow as a musician.

Meggan Wilson

Music Education, tuba

My experiences at UWEC have helped to shape my ideas about music and education. Over the years, I have developed a deeper connection to music and I now have a better idea of how to teach it. I feel that I am more excited to teach than ever before. My professors and peers have helped guide me in defining my goals as a musician and as an educator.

Nick Adams

Music Liberal Arts, percussion

The music department faculty are experts in their respective fields and are fantastic connections for aspiring musicians such as myself. The ensembles here allow me to perform with my peers. As a percussionist, the availability of high-quality percussion equipment is invaluable for practice.

Chris Renaud


The recording arts certificate seems really promising and is something I really look forward to investing more of my time in. My composition studio has inspired me and a few of my colleagues to start venturing into forming our own ensemble and composing in collaborative efforts.

Emily Magee

Music Education, soprano

What makes my studio special is the people and the energy they bring. Mark Mowry is a great professor who challenges yet encourages us to be the best and healthiest singers we can be. The people in my studio are very encouraging of one another as performers and make the experience all around beneficial.

Maddie LeBouton

Music Education, Oboe and Soprano

I have loved all my ensemble experiences at UWEC. Everyone is dedicated to making great music, and we have some great student leaders in each ensemble who help keep everyone motivated. All the conductors are also wonderful musicians and educators from whom I feel so lucky to learn.

John Francis

Business Administration and music minor, trumpet

Through the UW-Eau Claire Music and Theatre Arts Department, I have been able to hone in the skills to be a successful arts administration through the multitude of ensemble offerings paired with the Fine Arts Administration Certificate. The paring has given me the insight and recognition of different musical genres and  the knowledge of how to preserve and spread the beauty and joy of the art forms.

Andrew Smits

Percussion, Music Education

The percussion studio is special because we are able to effectively navigate having fun while also working hard and being committed to our craft. Within the studio, we treat each other like a family and strive to be welcoming to everyone that we interact with. The percussion studio creates a great atmosphere to work hard while also enjoying your time and the people around you.

The ensembles at UWEC do an amazing job of safely pushing your limits while also maintaining welcoming environments that encourages growth. Each ensemble has so much to offer and creates so many learning opportunities regardless of skill. The directors of each ensemble care about the people that they are working with, both in and out of the classroom.

Ayla Gross

French Horn, Music Education

Ensembles are the best part about my experience as a student at UWEC whether it's Wind Symphony, Choir, or BMB. I enjoy the satisfaction of working hard and creating music with my peers and constantly growing and maturing as a musician and a person.

Nick Miskimen

Saxophone, Music Education

UW - Eau Claire is the place to be for music and music education degrees! All I hear from my colleagues who have graduated already is that they have noticed that people really treat them like serious musicians and educators because they have gotten a degree from UW - Eau Claire. The music program here at UW - Eau Claire is truly one of the top places to be at right now, it is growing at an amazing rate. Personally, I have found opportunities within the music program at UW - Eau Claire that I never even knew existed. Some of these opportunities are a lot of student led music groups, The Cabaret show, and being able to listen and talk with guest speakers in ensembles and groups.

Tyler Samion

Saxophone, Music Education

In my experience at Eau Claire, I try and participate in every ensemble that I am eligible to play in. I enjoy each of these ensembles because each one gives me a different tool and skill that I can develop as a musician and particularly as a saxophone player. I've always enjoyed working with my peers in these ensembles and I love the feeling you get after performing a challenging piece a music. The directors in each of these ensembles give plenty of advise about being a better musician, educator, and overall human being.

Emma Campbell

Violin, music performance

Violin studio has such a welcoming atmosphere. We are all so eager to learn from one another and help each other grow as people and musicians. Nobu has created such a positive environment by continually investing in us.  Violin studio does not focus on the mistakes and criticism, but prioritizes individual growth and opportunities.  

Joseph Elliott

Viola, music performance

The viola studio is a very close nit community. We all know each other and our strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, we all give constructive feedback to one another without it seeming personal. We all value each other's improvement.

My ensemble experiences have been extremely valuable. This is likely one of the biggest reasons I've enjoyed my time at Eau Claire. I've been able to do so many different kinds of ensembles. I've been able to play in the local symphony (the CVSO). I've also been able to play in chamber ensembles where we play full quartets and other kinds of pieces. This is definitely very rare among undergraduate music programs. I know if I'd gone anywhere else I'd never have these extremely positive opportunities.

Chase Bucheger

Tenor, Music Education

This university has not only given me tools for my future through education and techniques but it has given me role models to watch. The educators at UW-Eau Claire teach with a passion that you can feel when they speak. If I've learned anything it's that if you show you care others will too.

The word "community" doesn't even begin to describe the connections I've made in my ensembles! They are all truly their own families. The unity that is created in these ensembles makes creating music and giving incredible performances so much more fun.

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